First of developer need a user account on Qloudid and he must be a employee of the company on Qloudid for the company he want to generate API URL. Then he needs to go to"Company_id"
if developer already have a developer account he will see list of API's created or he will be asked to request a developer account. After approval of suport team he can continue with following
- If he want to generate new client id he can click on + and go to :
- Here he can select which API URL he wants to generate. App name here must be unique i.e. not used by other user or company. Redirect URL is the one where developer wants to redirect after login that he have selected will be completed.
- After submitting the data a new Client id and password will be generated for developer and a tiny URL will be provided to him that he can use on their domain to login with Qloudid.
- When a user want to login on their web they click on Login button like here. Here user need to provide the API generated for the login
- And the user will be redirected to login page on Qloudid and there he can login with his app
- After successful login if user is employee for more than one company we ask him to select one profile by which he want to be logged in else he is logged in as a user.
- After successful submission of profile user is redirected to added URL
- On qmathup for now we are redirecting on :
- From Qmatchup user need to send request to using client id and secret key to generate access token.
- Following details are required in request:
- $fields = ['grant_type'=>'authorization_code','code' => $_GET['code'],'client_id'=>$username, 'client_secret'=>$password] here username is client id and password id secret key
- $headers = array('PHP_AUTH_USER' => 'username' , 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => 'password'); here username is client id and password id secret key
- As soon as access tokan is received on qmatchup side they need to send the same to using curl request
- Here on this Qmatchup is rechecking before they make user logged that if user is not making a cheat and opening URL directly. So they re-verify from their client id and password and user detail from Qloudid.
- This is two way handshaking process used on Qmatchup and Qloudid domain. So they can verify user login securely. Other domains using our API can work as per their requirement they can use two way handshaking or can make user logged in directly after receiving data from Qloudid.
- Data will be sent in json and if user have selected company he will receive data as : {"type":"login","first_name":"Ram","last_name":"kumar","email":"",
- If user have selected user profile they will receive: {"type":"login","first_name":"Ram","last_name":"kumar","email":"","country_of_residence":"100"}