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This is a documentation on how you can integrate your software to Qloud ID platform and generate digital ID for your employees
How to connect with HR API

User need to use a encrypt decrypt function in his code to encrypt data when sending information to qloudid.

This encryption formula will be provided in api php code file encrypt_decrpyt.php

For add employee from software user need to send company email and following information to qloudid

  • $_POST[company_email],$_POST['fname'], $_POST['lname'], $_POST['d_country'], $_POST['wmobile'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['wemail'], $_POST['enumber']
  • All this information will be added to a array and decrypted to send to qloudid
  • $id= $this -> encrypt_decrypt('encrypt',$newData);
  • This data will be sent to qloudid with url like this (you can send in post as well)
  • https://www.qloudid.com/user/index.php/Curl/addEmployee/$id;

If employee is provided with personal email user can be relieved only. But if he is not provided personal email you need a page to edit information if you want to add personal email and send invitation to user to connect. Following information will be sent on edit employee

  • $_POST[company_email],$_POST['fname'], $_POST['lname'], $_POST['d_country'], $_POST['wmobile'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['wemail'], $_POST['enumber'] , $_POST[employee_number](This employee number is same that was added on add employee)
  • All this information will be added to a array and decrypted to send to qloudid
  • $id= $this -> encrypt_decrypt('encrypt',$newData);
  • This data will be sent to qloudid with url like this (you can send in post as well)
  • https://www.qloudid.com/user/index.php/Curl/editEmployee/$id

Now you can add relieving information on employee and send this to qloudid if it is invited or uninvited employee. Here is information required to be sent to qloudid

  • $_POST[company_email], $_POST[employee_number], $_POST['reason'], $_POST['relieving_date']
  • All this information will be added to a array and decrypted to send to qloudid
  • $id= $this -> encrypt_decrypt('encrypt',$newData);
  • This data will be sent to qloudid with url like this (you can send in post as well)
  • https://www.qloudid.com/user/index.php/Curl/ relieveEmployee/$id

Employee will be relieved on next date that is given on relieving

This all information will be sent by curl request.